SQL in Python and Emacs
Table of Contents
There are several ways to query SQL data. Each have their pros and cons.
Method | Pros | Cons |
Python | Versatile | Python knowledge |
CLI | Easy to get started | Error Prone |
Emacs | Documentation | Emacs knowledge |
sqlitebrowser | User Friendly | Not programmatic |
Google Sheets | User Friendly | Cloud usage only |
Emacs SQLite
For demonstration purposes of how we can perform sql queries using org babel source blocks in Emacs we will use SQLite.
Getting Started
You will need the following:
- sqlite3 program
- sqlitebrowser (optional)
- A database to query
Add this in your emacs configuration:
(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((sql . t)))
To avoid a prompt asking to evaluate the code block add this to your
configuration. You only need the sqlite
(defun my/org-confirm-babel-evaluate (lang body) (and (not (string= lang "emacs-lisp")) (not (string= lang "elisp")) (not (string= lang "bash")) (not (string= lang "sqlite")) (not (string= lang "lua")) (not (string= lang "plantuml")) (not (string= lang "python")) (not (string= lang "gnuplot")))) (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate #'my/org-confirm-babel-evaluate)
Your org source block should look like this. Notice how we can use variables.
#+begin_src sqlite :db /path/to/your.db :var data="exerciseLogs" :colnames yes SELECT * FROM $data LIMIT 5; #+end_src
This shows my Leg Press exercise logs for the last 3 years, this is the same data in the image below in the Python Chart section.
--SELECT mydate,ename,record FROM $data LIMIT 15; SELECT mydate,ename,record FROM $data WHERE ename = 'Leg Press' AND mydate >= date('now', '-3 years') ORDER BY mydate ASC;
mydate | ename | record |
2022-06-21 | Leg Press | 240.0 |
2022-09-06 | Leg Press | 228.0 |
2022-09-16 | Leg Press | 266.67 |
2022-09-30 | Leg Press | 337.0 |
2022-10-06 | Leg Press | 360.0 |
2022-10-14 | Leg Press | 386.67 |
2022-10-25 | Leg Press | 448.0 |
2022-11-02 | Leg Press | 405.0 |
2022-11-09 | Leg Press | 405.0 |
2022-11-16 | Leg Press | 480.0 |
2022-11-22 | Leg Press | 506.0 |
2022-11-29 | Leg Press | 533.0 |
2022-12-07 | Leg Press | 546.67 |
2022-12-27 | Leg Press | 546.0 |
2023-01-04 | Leg Press | 570.0 |
2023-01-13 | Leg Press | 633.33 |
2023-01-17 | Leg Press | 633.33 |
2023-01-23 | Leg Press | 658.67 |
2023-02-04 | Leg Press | 570.0 |
2023-02-28 | Leg Press | 525.0 |
Python Chart
Emacs SQLite is great for basic queries but what if we wanted to do more complex things? This is where the power of database analysis using Python modules NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib comes into play.
Python Virtual Environment
In order to use our chart.py program we must install our modules preferably in a virtual environment. I use Linux with fish shell, modify to your OS. I have provided a makefile for convenience with the source code below.
python3 -m venv ~/path/to/python/chart/env-chart source ~/path/to/python/chart/env-chart/bin/activate.fish
Confirm you are in the virtual environment.
which python3 # ~/path/to/python/chart/env-chart/bin/python3 which pip # ~/path/to/python/chart/env-chart/bin/pip
Python Modules Install
pip install matplotlib pandas numpy
Source Code
You can download the source code to the project here. This gives you an idea of how you can manipulate SQL data in python.
Figure 1: Chart